среда, 22 сентября 2010 г.

These phrases are a wise

"Heavenly Life", "live in paradise." These phrases are a wise man repeats for many centuries, and each has invested in the notion of "paradise" its meaning. And what is - to live in paradise really exist? Where did the concept and whether it was a paradise at all?
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- A, - says professor Saveliev. - Information about it is stored in our subconscious of many millions of years, though, during this time many details had been erased from the memory of mankind. But the main thing is left: a paradise - it was a nice place where people did not have blood and sweat to produce their own food, he was a good, balanced, beshitrosten until satiated with abundance and something terrible happened. But about it later. I'll tell you in order, first - as I got to heaven, exploring the history of our brain with you.

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So, everybody knows that people naively believe that he is the king of beasts. And become one due to the special cognitive functions of the brain. But how could this be? Indeed, in biological evolution place for abstract thinking was not. The ancestors of man and only knew that get food, fill stomachs, multiply, and escape from wild animals. No abstract thinking it is not necessary. In general, our body is so constructed that any more or less intense reflections cause him great harm. When we sleep, or simply relax, our brain consumes 10% of energy. Thinking the same, we spend just 25% of the total stock of the organism.
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- Why is it so arranged our body?

- Yes, because the ancient creatures have never been sure that tomorrow they will have food. Therefore, the problem of the body - the most energy savings, to keep it for production of food (its modern equivalent - money) and reproduction (ie, the desire to make your clan dominated the others).

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But then out of nowhere came homo sapiens, who sometimes want to dream, to invent a time machine. And this ability of our brain, as it turned out, too, is a product of biological evolution. The question arises: Where did this in our brain function?

- Probably, it appeared to better meet the needs of all the above you: breeding, obtaining food, etc.

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- On this, as they say, a lot of sense not to be - our ancestors did all this without making great mental effort. That is, food and reproduction could not be a prerequisite for the development of a perfect human brain thinking brain. At first glance it seems that it has arisen in spite of the evolutionary laws. You can certainly imagine that some intelligent being, like a breeder selects the people with big brains in a separate reservation, made them they reproduce separately from the main mass, create, and then suddenly released them at will and they have eaten all the others. But, alas, not so. Look around you: the most successful - this is not the most intelligent. The creators, capable of abstract thinking - is a rarity.

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Uncontrolled paradise

- Well, then why has appeared in our complex brain-machine?

- Rather not why, but consequently. At some point humanity was without control of biological evolution, once in a very greenhouse conditions.

If we look at the earliest dental system of people - Australopithecus, who lived 4.5 million years ago, we see that the most interesting among them - it is his teeth. In Australopithecus had the same lousy teeth, no fangs, and caries, as in modern man. It is interesting that so far no one has even raised the question: how did it happen? If, on the traditional version, they ate meat or wiping the teeth roots, then the ancient people had to be canines or stochennye, like elephants and mammoths, teeth. If not, then, the ancient people ate some very soft, tender meat.

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It is unlikely that 10 million years ago toothed proconsul and toumayam (doavstralopitekovye primates) were given through a tube fresh blood or whether they used the services of a cook-Chinese. So what happened?

Here we are getting to heaven, if you can call it that, because he, as it turned out, served the poor animal is very poor service, turning them into a man.

Thus, the ancestor of Australopithecus finds himself in some very comfortable environment in which he lost the need for the canines, they became him to anything.

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- What is the place where they fell?

- How to say until now, most scientists, the ancestors of people sitting in trees, and then, when the forests began to retreat, they went out into the open field, where they found plenty of food, root vegetables. Then, on the traditional version, the man began to hunt pens method. How australopithecines did not eat then, nobody thinks, because of predators to hide in the field impossible.

I believe that the first ancestors of the people chosen in the eastern part of Africa, near the famous Lake Turkana, coastal subtropical zone with a huge number of lakes and canals. They brought back a rich protein food - spawning in shallow water fish, shellfish, quite possibly, even some invertebrates.

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Period of life in this area lasted very long, so long that the animals have changed their teeth and they became bipedal.

Bipedalism - a consequence of fishing

- By the way, why the man was more comfortable to walk on two legs?

- Judge for yourself: at four points, you get into the water and collect a lot of caviar can not - should be straightened. Also, incidentally, come and bears when hunting for fish. Modern primates also go in the water on two legs.

- A traditional version of explains biped?

- In the traditional version, the man climbed down from the tree and ran for the roots - all, as you like and understand. I think he ran only through fishing. He lived on the banks, fed, and migrated for spawning fish.

- What are our ancestors ate? Paradise apples he has been?

- There is no doubt grew along the banks of some paradise plants with juicy fruits, but besides them old dilute their diet poultry (it probably was by the thousand in the spawning ground). Well, except for the poultry first people could not eat bird eggs.

In the Garden of Eden was a wild competition

- But if the ancient people had a lot of food, with whom also they had to compete?

- When all is, begin to compete for females. With an abundance of food in the latter, incidentally, is gradually replaced by a cycle - from one year to the month. After all, if you feed the calves became possible all year round, therefore, reproduce often. Next biological law, which led to competition - this is dominance: whose female thick and shaggy, and he heads the herd. But due to what the ancient ancestor of Australopithecus, which is no different martial arts, to establish dominance and to attract the best female? But only because the speech! Imagine coming to you a male and says that just went and killed a mammoth, gnawed own puny teeth. Do you believe him. But in fact he does not go anywhere - he lied to get hold of your attention. In my opinion, it arose in this period as a means to lie, the mechanism of action imitation, but already beyond it developed and the brain. Judge for yourself, because the information part of any speech is very small. In 9 cases out of 10 in conversation people pursue quite different objectives than those which are being discussed.

- So, if we do not lie, do not learn to speak? And how do manage to find out that the australopithecines could speak?

- On this I told them brains. These two-legged brain weight reached 450 grams, which is allowing them to Twitter on any mound.

- Sorry, but where did you get their brains?

- It's not a problem. After the excavations done a lot of copies of found skulls of ancient people. Not us, of course - in the West. So, buying a good specimens of skulls of Australopithecus (found them in great numbers in East Africa), I recreated the surface of their brain. As it was already rated share, due to which the person began to grow a brain. So, the speech center in Australopithecus was developed're pretty good. I compared his brain with the brains of sick people, microcephalics (brain mass less than 500 grams) collected in Europe for two centuries, as well as with the brains of modern microcephalics. And what do you think? In modern talking idiots weight of the brain was a few tens of grams less than those from "paradise". So these human ancestors may well have as microcephaly, joke, primitive deceive each other ... Well, after that terrible had happened - a paradise period ended.

- This resulted in a sin Australopithecus? Who was it in the image of the Serpent-tempter?

- No, I am far from religious dogmas. These creatures have sinned 8 million years, and then suddenly - bang, and at one point it was all over! No, I do not think it was a punishment. Simply place climate change, gradually dried up their favorite lakes and lost their favorite food. Most of Australopithecus, not adapted to anything, then died. The most nimble and quickly began vigorously seek new places for more or less normal life. Thus began the resettlement of Australopithecus flare around the world. And the brain that evolved from them during the blissful life and be too large and untapped, useful later during the challenges of life - some gifted representatives of the no-no, and yes there were some brilliant ideas. After millions of years before modern man, we have become a creature with more severe brain. However, most of it still performs only primitive function - works in three ways: yes, to multiply and dominate.

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