четверг, 29 октября 2009 г.

Ismail Yakubovich Akbayev

March 1 - 126 years since the birth Effendi Ismail Akbaeva - educator, teacher, creator Karachai writing.

"Bezyazychnaya people disappear without a trace" - these words opened the first textbook on Karachai language - "Ana tili" Ismail Yakubovich Akbaeva, issued a pre-revolutionary in 1916.

"No nation, not respecting their language, will not last long - educator, wrote in his introduction to the book. - His own writing is necessary for the future of every nation ...

"As a feat of creativity lies before us the life of Ishmael Akbaeva, which brick by brick - through the creation of the alphabet, the first issue of the textbook, the opening of the first national printing press, the organization of the first party of the national newspapers - laid the foundation of cultural development Karachai the nation in the XX century.

"The thing about the restoration of voting rights Akbaeva Ismail Yakubovich" numbered according to the rules of archival production. Fund 307, register 2, case 411 - dry designation tragic page of life, to give "the future of the nation." In a thin folder of just over twenty pages. In addition to information and protocols in the case on file a "Statement on the Bureau of national executive committee aul B. Teberdinskogo Akbaeva Ismail" - a unique document which gives us the opportunity to look at life educator of his own eyes."... I have never, serving the mullah in the Throughout this time, not involved in shady deals that are due to all the clergy, such as: blind the people in the sense of repulsion from its education, collection of Sharia deductions, etc. In the first case, on the contrary, all his knowledge and energy consumed to ensure that the full spread awareness not only among men but also women, speaking in the singular, and fighting for this goal to go for the spiritual need to educate both women and men, for what I have in 1915, compiled the first alphabet in the Karachai language called "Ana Tili" - Mother tongue, which is the subject of wide consumption in primary schools Karachai area, and a number of books. Prior to that time in Karachay no written language, and Karachay studying Arabic, far beyond our understanding ... "

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