четверг, 29 октября 2009 г.

Husey Muhadzhirovich Dzhaubaev

Husey Muhadzhirovich born in the village of Lower Teberda in the family of rural teachers. The first poem written in their native language, as a military cadet school. After military service for some time worked in the newspaper "Karachay.

Graduated from the Higher literary courses Writers' Union of Russia in the Literary Institute. Gorky. He headed various departments of the newspaper "Karachay, worked as deputy editor of this newspaper. As a Head of Department Karachay studio state broadcasting company "Karachay-Cherkessia.

For achievements in journalism, he awarded "Excellence in Print USSR. For a great contribution to the development of literature and culture Karachai Huseyu Muhadzhirovichu Dzhaubaevu awarded the title of "People's Poet of Karachay-Cherkessia republic.

Dzhaubaev Husey was one of the leading poets of Karachay. His book "father's words," cherry blossom "," Mirror "," My Dream "," rustle of pine "," Silver rain "," Sibilskie sledges "," hot shoe "and other well-known Karachay reader.

Some collections of the poet translated into Russian yazyk.Ego works were published in publishing house "Contemporary", in the magazines "Twinkle", "Moscow", "Crocodile", "Don", "South-policy", "Almanac of Stavropol. Many of his poems translated into the languages of the CIS and foreign countries.

The winner of several creative konkursov.Proizvedeniya poet included in textbooks on Karachai and Balkar languages. Fairy tales and poems, riddles H. Dzhaubaeva become a truly national character. He translated at the Karachay language works by Russian, Circassian, and Nogai Abazin writers.

Husey Dzhaubaev - a famous poet and songwriter. In his poetry by composers M. Nogaylievym, M. Kochkarvym, S. Krimsky, A. Uzdenova, Z. Botasheva, A.-A. Bayramukovym and many others have created more than 100 songs. For several years, as he passed away, leaving behind a rich poetic heritage.

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