четверг, 29 октября 2009 г.

Daughters of Karachi on the Great Patriotic War

In the first months of the Great Patriotic War the Red Army joined the Karachays 15600, ie Every fifth representative of the people. 9 thousand of them died in the

.... But live forever

In the treasury of the nation's memory

War reduced to ashes, the


Here, we recall the patriotism and the military exploits of our girls karachaevok that since the early days of the war came to the defense of their homeland and have been heavy fighting in 1941 and 1945.

Heroically fought the fascists signaller warship Kachura Chotchaeva, in parts of naval aviation's Black Sea Fleet served Sherifat currents from village of Lower Teberda, defended the Moscow machine-gunner antiaircraft artillery regiment Corporal Seydzhan Abayhanova.

In the Caucasus, in the rear of the enemy was beaten enemy guerrillas Nanu and Shama Kanamatovy and many others. For courage and bravery shown in combat, they were awarded government awards, were awarded orders and medals.

ZALIHAT ERKENOVA, Karachaevsk "Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya".

Summer 1942 the military situation was such that the arms come from many remaining in the rear of the mother and sisters of soldiers at the front. In August, the Germans broke through the North Caucasus. In the mountains of Karachay-Cherkessia lasted seventeen guerrilla groups, numbering over seven hundred soldiers. Among them - about a hundred women. One of them was an instructor Karachay Regional Committee of the CPSU (b), machine-gunner, assistant political instructor Zelenchuk guerrilla unit Erkenova Zalihat Bibolatovna. She immortalized his name in derskih fighting in the enemy rear

... Throwing forward paratroopers and spies, the Germans moved to the passes at Georgia. In their way stood partisans "Avenger". After the battle, covered the retreat of partisans Zalihat Erkenova. Later it fell into the hands vraga.Gitlerovtsy kept her in the main branch of the Gestapo in the North Caucasus, in Kislovodsk. Endless interrogations and torture, beatings. She was beaten with rubber truncheons, iron bars, kicked. They try not to kill, to preserve for new questioning. The main demand: "Tell me, where partisan turnout? Who controls the underground? "Karachaevskaya" Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya ", so it was then called, was silent. Having failed, and seeing the hopelessness of their efforts, the executioners of the special teams Gestapo shot Zalihat Erkenovu in mountain canyons near Kislovodsk. Piece of paper with three hastily written sentences Zalihat Erkenova gave a reliable person when it is carried from Cherkessk in Kislovodsk:

"We're going back to where you will not be returned. Only confidence in the victory over the enemy, we are encouraged. Death we are not afraid! "

Before execution Gestapo Zalihat allowed to meet with her little daughter five Zarema. Saying goodbye to the weeping girl, she hid in her dress a small letter, his last farewell to family and friends, his testament:

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