четверг, 29 октября 2009 г.

Cultural identity is reviving the economy of the Finno-Ugric

ctober 23-25 in Perm and Kudymkar I passed the International Socio-Economic Forum of the Finno-Ugric youth.

At a forum attended by more than one hundred members of the Finno-Ugric countries, regions, cities of Russia and from abroad. The participants and guests of the forum include Hungary, Estonia, Karelia, Mordovia, the Republic of Komi and Mari El, Udmurtia, Komi-Perm district, Perm Region and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tver Region.

Forum delegates were young businessmen, government officials, social workers, NGO representatives, academics and students. The main issues discussed at the round table discussions, master classes and individual sections, held during the forum was the development of the economy, creating a basis for the implementation of socio-economic projects of the Finno-Ugric peoples.

According to organizers, the result can be considered the resolution adopted on the last day of the event. In the document sets out the opinion of the forum that the cultural identity of the Finno-Ugric peoples is a powerful economic resource. That is why we need to develop a regional small business, which would increase employment and accelerate the pace of socio-economic development.

The benefit from the fact that the forum was devoted primarily socio-economic themes mentioned by all participants. For example, a guest from Tallinn, Oliver Loode believes that the important thing now able to derive economic benefit from a specific cultural identity of small nations.

- Finno-Ugric youth should discuss not only issues of culture, and economy. And most important - ways to extract economic benefits from cultural identity. It is in this case, the Finno-Ugric community will guarantee survival.

Husey Muhadzhirovich Dzhaubaev

Husey Muhadzhirovich born in the village of Lower Teberda in the family of rural teachers. The first poem written in their native language, as a military cadet school. After military service for some time worked in the newspaper "Karachay.

Graduated from the Higher literary courses Writers' Union of Russia in the Literary Institute. Gorky. He headed various departments of the newspaper "Karachay, worked as deputy editor of this newspaper. As a Head of Department Karachay studio state broadcasting company "Karachay-Cherkessia.

For achievements in journalism, he awarded "Excellence in Print USSR. For a great contribution to the development of literature and culture Karachai Huseyu Muhadzhirovichu Dzhaubaevu awarded the title of "People's Poet of Karachay-Cherkessia republic.

Dzhaubaev Husey was one of the leading poets of Karachay. His book "father's words," cherry blossom "," Mirror "," My Dream "," rustle of pine "," Silver rain "," Sibilskie sledges "," hot shoe "and other well-known Karachay reader.

Some collections of the poet translated into Russian yazyk.Ego works were published in publishing house "Contemporary", in the magazines "Twinkle", "Moscow", "Crocodile", "Don", "South-policy", "Almanac of Stavropol. Many of his poems translated into the languages of the CIS and foreign countries.

The winner of several creative konkursov.Proizvedeniya poet included in textbooks on Karachai and Balkar languages. Fairy tales and poems, riddles H. Dzhaubaeva become a truly national character. He translated at the Karachay language works by Russian, Circassian, and Nogai Abazin writers.

Husey Dzhaubaev - a famous poet and songwriter. In his poetry by composers M. Nogaylievym, M. Kochkarvym, S. Krimsky, A. Uzdenova, Z. Botasheva, A.-A. Bayramukovym and many others have created more than 100 songs. For several years, as he passed away, leaving behind a rich poetic heritage.

Professor Bashir Khapaev

MD, Ph.D., professor Khapaev Alimdzhasharovich Bashir was born into a family of doctors. Graduated from the Saratov State Medical Institute. In 1995 he graduated from graduate school at the department of Clinical Pharmacology HFCs Moscow Medical Academy. IM Sechenov, received the degree of candidate of medical nauk.Dva-year stint at the department of medical knowledge bases of Karachay-Cherkessia State Pedagogical Institute and then enrolled in doctoral studies in MMA it. IM Sechenov, successfully defended his thesis for a degree and a doctorate of medical sciences.
His dissertations and research on the optimization of diagnosis and pharmacological treatment of patients with arterial hypertension. During study and work Bashir Khapaev acquired extensive experience in organizing and conducting clinical trials of cardiovascular drugs.
Participated in the registration trials of such drugs as Ednit, Nebilet, Logimaks, Plendil, Adalat-Oros, Co-diovan, Nifekard-XL, Korinfar-Uno, Enalakor etc.
Khapaev BA - Member Rossiyskogo society of clinical pharmacists and physicians, headed by his office in Karachay-Cherkessia republic. Worked on a specialty: a doctor-intern, resident physician medical division Karachay-Cherkessia Regional Hospital, 1992 head. therapy department Karachai central hospital.
At this time Bashir Alimdzhasharovich - Head of Department for the Study of drugs of natural origin of the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology FGI Research Center of Expertise of medical applications Roszdravnadzor.
Khapaev BA - Highly qualified specialist in the field using the method of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, has extensive experience with various portable recorders AD.
Khapaev BA - One of the sponsors of the first Soviet monograph on the application of this high-tech methods in cardiology, a member of the society Rossiyskogo Holter monitoring and noninvasive electrophysiology.
Scope of scientific ineresov Hapaeva BA includes not only the clinical pharmacology and cardiology, but chronomedicine, chronobiology, Somnology, as evidenced by its joint publications with academician FI Komarov, AI Martynov, AM Wayne and other prominent scientists.
Bashir Khapaev - author of several scientific works: 120 works (24 - in English), including monograph, medical dictionary, 8 teaching aids, co-author of the first Soviet monograph on the application of the daily blood pressure monitoring in cardiology, a member of society Rossiyskogo Holter monitoring and noninvasive electrophysiology. 2 patents of Russia, participant of many scientific conferences and congresses, including held abroad.

Krymshamkhalov MUHAMMAD-geri Azamat-GERIEVICH

Shamil Batchaev, Karachaevsk

Mahomet-Gehry Krymshamkhalov was born Feb. 16, 1888 in the princely family. Received a general education second grade. When in August 1914 in Karachay started the recruitment of volunteers in the Caucasus Cavalry Division to be sent to the First World War, Krymshamkhalov one of the first joined the volunteer (as education).

September 11, 1914 Mahomet-Gehry was awarded NCO - rider. Fighting Path Krymshamhalova began in December 1914 in a convoy divisional commander, the Grand Duke Michael, brother of Tsar Nicholas II.

From January 1915 Krymshamkhalov participated in the battles won its first award - the George Cross 4-th degree, and the spring of 1915 - George Cross 3rd degree.

Soon he made the rank of ensign. In the summer of 1915 in a battle near the town Zalishchiki Krymshamkhalov time destroying government property, that it is not got the advancing enemy, and then under heavy fire followed the movements of the enemy. For this feat he was awarded the Officer of the Order of St. Stanislaus 3rd Class with Swords.

In the autumn of that year, Mohammed-Gary was again presented to the award - the Order of St. Anne's 4-th degree with the inscription "For Bravery". He was noted for the fact that in a battle near the village of Nove Petlikovtse under enemy bullets recovered the lost connection between his regiment and the neighboring parts.

Spring of 1916 3rd Karachaevskaya hundred waged fierce battles for the village of Windows. In one of the attacks was killed the commander of a hundred. Krymshamkhalov assumed command, and inspiring the riders personal courage, brought them to the village, which they occupied. During this presentation to the Petrograd Duma's highest order, he was awarded the George weapons.

Soon the prince was promoted to lieutenant of militia, and then became a cornet of cavalry. In March 1917 "for the differences in the cases against the enemy" cornet Krymshamkhalov was awarded the Order of St.Stanislas 2 nd Class with Swords.

The last time Mohammed, Gehry was awarded the fall of 1917 after a battle near the village of fornicator. In this battle, he again shot down two chains of the enemy, showing an example of courage, soldiers, and they, in spite of a severe artillery fire, occupied the village. For this exploit our countryman was awarded the Order of St. George the Victorious 4-th degree. Thus Krymshamkhalov was one of two officers of the Caucasian Cavalry Division, awarded the most honorable military award of Russia - St. George weapons and the Order of St. George's 4-th degree.

Grandma Kochkarev NAIBOVICH

Babula Kochkarov born in the ancient village Karachai Duute in 1885. A healthy, purposeful, inquisitive Babula from childhood stood out among their peers. His friends loved him and valued his friendship with him. At their request, he arranged scenes with acrobatic tricks by using the incredible flexibility of his body.

In 1902 he graduated in agriculture and enrolled in madrassas cadet school in Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar). After training he gets in one part of the general Baratov. By the time of excessive force and endurance Grandma begins to form the legend. He becomes a hero among his fellow, and deserves great respect not only among them, but his superiors.

In 1910, Father Granny Naib, for the wisdom and determination, was elected sergeant village. On the occasion of election in Duute feast. And since no one party will not do without demonstration wrestling bouts, with all Karachay here are going strongman. The main hero of the holiday was the strongman Abayhanov Kochhar, the rumor of uncommon heroic force which went even in Russia.
So, the start of the fight. Kochhar without effort, one by one "disables" all the strong men who had dared to go with him to a duel. Judge incites the crowd a question: "Well, surely not among you anyone who could take away the title of the first Kochhar strongman?" From the crowd is heard the cry: "Babula, Grandma! He will come! "Grandma, who and did not mean to fight Kochhar, a few guys pushed into the middle of the circle. Bogatyr Kochhar seeing a young man, smiled:

- Alans, I somehow feel ashamed to fight such a young man?

But it soon begins to struggle so that the result of its becoming quite unpredictable. Kochhar, just outright agony seven huge strong men, not even managed to knock Grandma. How would Kochhar not contrive, throwing his strong grip, Babula, jumping, firmly stood on his feet. As time passed, the struggle continued. Sweat streamed down the face Kochhar. In the end, he refused to continue the fight. Looking into the eyes of Grandma, he angrily said:

- "Brother, you're no less a person than a real cat!

This was a tie. On this day Babula was considered another strong man, whose fame has spread beyond the Caucasus.

Ismail Yakubovich Akbayev

March 1 - 126 years since the birth Effendi Ismail Akbaeva - educator, teacher, creator Karachai writing.

"Bezyazychnaya people disappear without a trace" - these words opened the first textbook on Karachai language - "Ana tili" Ismail Yakubovich Akbaeva, issued a pre-revolutionary in 1916.

"No nation, not respecting their language, will not last long - educator, wrote in his introduction to the book. - His own writing is necessary for the future of every nation ...

"As a feat of creativity lies before us the life of Ishmael Akbaeva, which brick by brick - through the creation of the alphabet, the first issue of the textbook, the opening of the first national printing press, the organization of the first party of the national newspapers - laid the foundation of cultural development Karachai the nation in the XX century.

"The thing about the restoration of voting rights Akbaeva Ismail Yakubovich" numbered according to the rules of archival production. Fund 307, register 2, case 411 - dry designation tragic page of life, to give "the future of the nation." In a thin folder of just over twenty pages. In addition to information and protocols in the case on file a "Statement on the Bureau of national executive committee aul B. Teberdinskogo Akbaeva Ismail" - a unique document which gives us the opportunity to look at life educator of his own eyes."... I have never, serving the mullah in the Throughout this time, not involved in shady deals that are due to all the clergy, such as: blind the people in the sense of repulsion from its education, collection of Sharia deductions, etc. In the first case, on the contrary, all his knowledge and energy consumed to ensure that the full spread awareness not only among men but also women, speaking in the singular, and fighting for this goal to go for the spiritual need to educate both women and men, for what I have in 1915, compiled the first alphabet in the Karachai language called "Ana Tili" - Mother tongue, which is the subject of wide consumption in primary schools Karachai area, and a number of books. Prior to that time in Karachay no written language, and Karachay studying Arabic, far beyond our understanding ... "

Daughters of Karachi on the Great Patriotic War

In the first months of the Great Patriotic War the Red Army joined the Karachays 15600, ie Every fifth representative of the people. 9 thousand of them died in the

.... But live forever

In the treasury of the nation's memory

War reduced to ashes, the


Here, we recall the patriotism and the military exploits of our girls karachaevok that since the early days of the war came to the defense of their homeland and have been heavy fighting in 1941 and 1945.

Heroically fought the fascists signaller warship Kachura Chotchaeva, in parts of naval aviation's Black Sea Fleet served Sherifat currents from village of Lower Teberda, defended the Moscow machine-gunner antiaircraft artillery regiment Corporal Seydzhan Abayhanova.

In the Caucasus, in the rear of the enemy was beaten enemy guerrillas Nanu and Shama Kanamatovy and many others. For courage and bravery shown in combat, they were awarded government awards, were awarded orders and medals.

ZALIHAT ERKENOVA, Karachaevsk "Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya".

Summer 1942 the military situation was such that the arms come from many remaining in the rear of the mother and sisters of soldiers at the front. In August, the Germans broke through the North Caucasus. In the mountains of Karachay-Cherkessia lasted seventeen guerrilla groups, numbering over seven hundred soldiers. Among them - about a hundred women. One of them was an instructor Karachay Regional Committee of the CPSU (b), machine-gunner, assistant political instructor Zelenchuk guerrilla unit Erkenova Zalihat Bibolatovna. She immortalized his name in derskih fighting in the enemy rear

... Throwing forward paratroopers and spies, the Germans moved to the passes at Georgia. In their way stood partisans "Avenger". After the battle, covered the retreat of partisans Zalihat Erkenova. Later it fell into the hands vraga.Gitlerovtsy kept her in the main branch of the Gestapo in the North Caucasus, in Kislovodsk. Endless interrogations and torture, beatings. She was beaten with rubber truncheons, iron bars, kicked. They try not to kill, to preserve for new questioning. The main demand: "Tell me, where partisan turnout? Who controls the underground? "Karachaevskaya" Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya ", so it was then called, was silent. Having failed, and seeing the hopelessness of their efforts, the executioners of the special teams Gestapo shot Zalihat Erkenovu in mountain canyons near Kislovodsk. Piece of paper with three hastily written sentences Zalihat Erkenova gave a reliable person when it is carried from Cherkessk in Kislovodsk:

"We're going back to where you will not be returned. Only confidence in the victory over the enemy, we are encouraged. Death we are not afraid! "

Before execution Gestapo Zalihat allowed to meet with her little daughter five Zarema. Saying goodbye to the weeping girl, she hid in her dress a small letter, his last farewell to family and friends, his testament:


Born in 1917 in the village Karachai Hasaut (Shauat). June 18, 1941 Chuguivska graduated from the Air Force Pilot School and was sent to a pilot in the 283rd Fighter Regiment. From August 1942 to the army.

July 5, 1943 Lieutenant DN Golan sent to the 32 nd Fighter Regiment (256 th Fighter Division, 2-Air Army), where it soon was appointed commander-level 3rd Squadron.

In the battles at Kursk proved himself able and fearless fighter aircraft. During the period from 10 to 21 July 1943 on a plane Yak-9 made 24 sorties to cover their troops from the general raid 23 hours, has 15 air battles in which he personally shot down 5 Me-109 fighters.

July 28 was submitted to be awarded the Order of Lenin, but on Aug. 16, 1943 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

August 9, 1943 immediately shot down 4 planes in one battle and was presented to award the Order of the Red Banner.

During the period from 10 July to 28 August 1943, Lieutenant DN Golan YAK-9 produced 63 successful sorties, conducted 23 air battles, in which he personally shot down 9 enemy planes. He was wounded twice. September 5, 1943 was again presented to be awarded the Order of Lenin.

September 26, 1943 Lieutenant DN Golan was killed in a raid by enemy aircraft. He was buried in a mass grave in the town of Priluki in Ukraine. All made 102 sorties, carried out 39 air battles, in which he personally shot down 15 enemy planes.

Was presented posthumously to the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union. However, in those years and has not received any order of Lenin, nor the Gold Star Medal of Hero. Posthumously he was awarded only the second Order of the Red Znameni.Lish after more than 50 years, the presidential decree of September 7, 1995 Lieutenant Djanibek Nanakovichu Golaevu was conferred the high title of Hero of Russia, posthumously.

Pilgrimage Center "Idel Haj" send this year's Hajj pilgrims about 4 thousand

Interregional pilgrim center Idel Hajj "in the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Tatarstan is ready to send to the hajj in Saudi Arabia this year about 4 thousand of pilgrims from various regions of Russia - almost twice as much as a year earlier, told RIA Novosti on Thursday, General Director of the Center Ayaz Mingaleev.

Hajj - the pilgrimage to the holy sites of Islam, a special ritual worship of God, the fifth pillar of Islam. His commit time in my life - strict duty of a Muslim.

"This year we were given a quota of 3 thousand people, it is chosen entirely. More about 1 thousands of pilgrims, we plan to send at the expense of additional quota. Center "Idel Haj has been operating throughout Russia - we have more than 30 representatives in the regions, as well as two full-fledged branch in Moscow and Bashkortostan. This year we are working with pilgrims from Astrakhan, Krasnoyarsk, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk, Penza region, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia, Bashkortostan, Yakutia and, of course, Tatarstan ", - said Mingaleev.

General Director Center Idel Haj reported that for the convenience of pilgrims are several items to send - from Kazan, Moscow, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and Dagestan. The next year, possibly in the hajj will be going directly from Samara. To accompany the pilgrims formed Haj mission of 28 people, including representatives of the center "Idel Hajj, the administrative staff involved in organizing the hajj, nurses. For every 40 pilgrims has one leader who speaks Tatar, Russian and Arabic, which will help to solve all questions.

"We contracted with a private clinic in Mecca, where pilgrims will be able to get help and in-patient treatment as appropriate. Last year, medical care received 12 of our pilgrims, in 2007 - nine people, "- said Mingaleev.

The interviewee added that the pilgrim center and this year did not depart from tradition and gives the pilgrims not only custom-tailored set of clothes made of cotton (for men - white and gray, for women - light green), and two travel bags. In addition, the complex includes a necessary set of things - comfortable neckband and belt bags, bed sheet, namazlyk (prayer mat), medical bandages.

"The new bags are yellow, for it would be easy to identify our pilgrims," - he said.

The cost of the hajj this year is from 75 to 145 thousand rubles depending on the conditions of residence, route, food, value-added services. Last year, the hajj pilgrims treated in 90 thousand rubles.
The pilgrims will depart from Kazan on November 5.

In 2008, the center "Idel-Haj" organized for the 2,2 thousands of hajj pilgrims from Tatarstan and other Russian regions in 2007, it benefited by 1,55 thousand palomnikov.Ezhegodno from Russia to Saudi Arabia, traveling more than 20 thousand Muslims. Most Russian goes to Hajj pilgrims from Dagestan, in the past year hajj made 13 thousand people of this republic. Also, large groups of Muslims travel from Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and Chechnya.

The inhabitants of Mari El, the lowest incomes in the PFD

In August 2009, two regions of the Volga Federal District (PFD) were among the ten regions of the country with a minimum cash income of the population: the Mari Republic, per capita income amounted to 9087 rubles, in Chuvashia - 9640 rubles.

Lowest incomes in Russia - the inhabitants of Ingushetia (5590.3 rubles), the largest - in the Nenets Autonomous District (67369.9 rubles). This is stated in the report of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia about the situation in economics, finance and banking and social subjects of Russia in August 2009, a REGNUM correspondent informs news agency referring to the document.

Incomes of the population affected the flow of personal income tax. As the leader of a country falling for this indicator is the Republic of Altai (in August 2009 compared with August 2008 the index stood at 12%), followed by Chuvashia (70%) and Tatarstan (79%), and in monitoring color Perm Region (82% ) and the Ulyanovsk region (83%).

This Bashkortostan - at the third position in the country on the growth of personal income tax, this index was 203%, but in general tax revenue index reached 157%. Wage arrears in the Volga Federal District in August, more than likely increase in Mordovia and Ulyanovsk and Penza region - by 42,8%, 25,3% and 24,2% respectively.

According to the monitoring, Chuvashia yields only two regions of the country's arrears on loans of businesses and individuals: on August 1, 2009 as compared with the beginning of the year the index was 1084.3% and 198.7% respectively. Among the leaders of the growth in overdue loans as legal entities of Mari El (698.6%), Penza region (604.9%) and the Perm region (551.7%).