среда, 22 сентября 2010 г.

The Patriarch and the housing

The Patriarch and the housing

December 1946
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During the reception in the Kremlin on Sept. 4, 1943 three bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church - Sergei, Nicholas and Alex - Stalin IV told them that the Government of the Union provides for the Patriarchate, the Holy Synod and the Patriarch of the apartment house owned by "Byurobinu" (Office for Foreigners Service) Commissariat of the USSR, for purely per., Building 5, with all property located there. Soon after the occupation of the house of the Moscow Patriarchate "Byurobin" granted to the employee Khashuri apartment in the wing, located in the courtyard of the mansion and used before a storage room. Soon Khashuri left on a business trip and came back from her in August 1944, told the Patriarch that he was assigned to work in the Estonian SSR, and therefore requires a family to take with him, but he occupied an apartment can take advantage of the patriarchate, that is not possessed in her someone an outsider.
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In 1945 the Moscow Patriarchate has arisen the need for additional living space for the sisters Patriarch Alexy. Patriarch Alexius appealed to the Council for Russian Orthodox Church with a request to obtain for him permission to occupy the lodge in the courtyard. The Board issued a letter through the appropriate Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Deputy Dekanozov and received agreement from the former. Chief "Byurobina" Comrade. Grishina to engage patriarchy wing. Based on these guidelines, Comrade. Andreeva representatives patriarchy - Economy Patriarchate Archimandrite Razumov, secretary of the patriarch Parijskij Superintendent Rusakov and former janitor "Byurobina" Kutepov - amounted to an inventory of property left Khashuri, and then transferred it to the pantry. Given that the room wing was in disrepair, the Patriarchate has made major repairs at a cost of a 41 thousand rubles. Then to the lodge and entered a sister of the patriarch, who came from Leningrad.
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In the spring of 1946 Khashuri arrived in Moscow, the Moscow Patriarchate has sold several thousand furniture and some other stuff (got more than 10 thousand rubles, but without a receipt), and no claim to the wing, at the same time made it clear to representatives of the Patriarchate, that they should to compensate by issuing "paying off" in the amount of 50 thousand rubles for the purchase of an equivalent apartment.
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The Moscow Patriarchate has refused to grant Khashuri "Taxed". When Khashuri returned in the summer of 1946 in Moscow at all, not having had nothing to do with "Byurobinu", where he was fired, he began to demand the release of the patriarch's house, having to produce safe conduct of the Moscow Soviet and repeated scandals and debauchery, reaching insults number of persons. He turned and Khashuri Council for Russian Orthodox Church under the USSR Council of Ministers with the request or to evict the Patriarchate of the wing, or provide him with an equivalent living space.
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HIS Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia
From the manager's patriarchy


December 26 Sego, I was summoned to the reception of citizen Mr. Khashuri. He showed me a claim on a number of items from his property: nezabrannogo at one time chair of several books from his personal technical library, speakers, and the shower head to the bathtub, cast iron kitchen nadplitochnoy board.
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Stools and nadplitochnuyu board I suggested gr-well Khashuri pick up and pointed out the location of these objects, and in respect of books again, as before, and repeated to him that did not receive such deposit, and responsible for themselves they do not believe, and with respect to the column and the shower, I took all the claims against me by pointing out that these items are included in inventory at home and on their must apply to the manager.
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In further conversation, Mr. Khashuri grams indicated that they had filed an application to narsud to evict residents in the wing of the Patriarchate of persons that the court canceled for today because of illness of the defendants, held in early January and that the de-claim to the premises, in which he g-n Khashuri, lived until 1945, well-founded. As evidence of its judgments gr n Khashuri referred to the act of transfer of the Moscow Patriarchate of the premises "Byurobina. The original of this document he showed me. The act means that the "representative" Byurobina "Comrade. Kuznetsov gave in, and managing the affairs of the Holy Synod Rev. Kolchitsky received in rental use of the building of the mansion on the clean lane., 5, and the property of the respective inventories. According to the Citizen Khashuri, transferred "Byurobinom" in the rental use of only one building of the mansion, but the outbuildings in the act is no mention there. As a result, conversations g-n Khashuri indicated that he would not have room for harassment itself on the clean lane., 5, when the patriarchate compensates its equivalent flat even in a small suburban house.
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The Communists and the Orthodox, unite!

January 1947

I was at the next reception at the Voroshilov in the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Before I could put comrade. Voroshilov questions prepared me for permission, KE in a conversation with me said their opinion about the importance of orthodoxy in terms of national and international.
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"Your work - this is just the beginning. Great importance will be the Orthodox faith in the future. Abroad, in the sense of our influence is still very strong arm. " "In relation to other faiths, especially in relation to the Catholic Church, Orthodoxy has (and has been in the past) the progressive in the sense that it (Orthodoxy) is not meant to influence or to subjugate the secular (civilian) government. And more often than not interfere in the affairs of purely state like ours, and in the West. Until the time of Peter, or rather - KE corrected himself - until Ivan the Terrible hierarchy tried to command over the secular authorities, but later it all gradually moved away and now there can be no question. Yes, and in other countries is not clear that the Orthodox Church on this claim. Consider another, that the success of policies in many Slavic countries, depends on the fact that there prevails, or has a significant place in comparison with other religions Orthodox Church. It can be said with regard to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and even Romania.

I think that the attitude of Poland to us it would be easier and better if Poland is not dominated by the Catholic Church and the Orthodox. Another thing - other churches, especially Catholic. They are in first place policy, diplomacy and even more - they see their church as a state. And I must say that this pope, who considers himself governor Peter or Christ on earth, over the centuries have managed to capture a large part of humanity, that in this respect it a lot stronger than Hitler. Each had its strength and leverage, and if the Pope did not speak against Hitler, even though he had his accounts with the Catholic Church - because there were other reasons.

Catholicism - it is a force - repeated KE - I am not talking about their capital, their training, reaching to the frenzy of their organization with all kontragenatsiyami (? Kontragitatsiyami?), But take only one question - in that they make the man, professing their religion? It's more than slavery. In any country you will see this. I saw in Budapest, that people (monks) go as a mummy, and no more people do not think once about my father, and other laws do not recognize, but only coming from the Holy See. According to us, and to all democratic countries today, Catholicism - one of the worst enemies. And if so, then first of all is the enemy of the Orthodox Church, and not only her, and others.

I do not know well the Church of England, but I think that in the struggle against Catholicism, the Orthodox Church could be found, and with it a common language. Generally, if in this respect, the Orthodox Church as one of the implacable enemies of Catholicism, could be proactive, it could find a unit with the Lutherans, Evangelicals and others, originally blocking at least spiritually dad. In this regard, even the Baptists will support you, though, Baptists, these fanatics, I think I hate more than anyone, and they are not far removed from the Catholics. "

Metropolitan without gasoline

Beginning 1944

September 4, 1943 during the reception of Metropolitan Sergius, Alexis and Nicholas Chairman of the CPC of the USSR, Comrade Stalin ordered the surrender of the Moscow Patriarchate 3-4 cars.

3-4 days for the Patriarch Sergius had the machine "VMS" from the reserve NKGB USSR, with the driver and fuel. This machine Patriarch Sergius and manages to date. A second machine is intended for the Metropolitan Nicholas. When it turned out that the allocation of the second car from the reserve NKGB Soviet Union is difficult, and by then it was a reminder from the President of People's Commissars of the USSR Comrade Stalin, the Council for Russian Orthodox Church in the USSR SNK 30.H.1943, addressed a letter number of 5S to the Deputy Chairman of People's Commissars of the USSR, Comrade. Molotov.

According to the resolution, Comrade. VM Molotov, addressed to Chief Rear Red Army comrade. Khruleva AV A letter was sent under the signature of the Administrative Department of the CPC of the USSR, Comrade. YE Chadayev asking for a one-passenger cars "VMS-101, a number of repaired machines at the Moscow factories for the People's Commissariat of Defense, in order for the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Nicholas. Subsequent administration of Comrade. Khruleva machine has been allocated in the month of December provided the Metropolitan Nicholas, but for cash patriarchy (paid 26,000 rubles). Metropolitan Nicholas approached the council asking that he understood the disposal of the head of government not as the right to purchase a car, as well as providing free of charge. Also use the car, he can not yet as not attached to the garage and not for fuel.

Council for Russian Orthodox Church in the USSR SNK turned 25.HII.1943, with a letter for the number 115 to the Vice-Chairman of People's Commissars of the USSR, Comrade. Anastas Mikoyan on giving orders Glavneftesnabu the allocation of fund for gasoline in 1944 at the rate of 600 liters per month per machine. For consultation, to 30.XII. This letter was a deputy. Head of Secretariat, comrade. Mikoyan - ing. Firsov, IA, Jan. 2 letter was a comrade. AI Sokolov, Chief of the supply of oil. Tob. Sokolov said that the letter prepared proposals in a positive sense, but Mikoyan Mikoyan not yet reported. To date, Metropolitan Nicholas of receipt machine due to lack of fuel can not use it daily and apply to the council. For its part, considered it desirable to receiving gasoline and attaching the machine to one of the garages Bauman district mountains. Moscow.

Shepherd pastors in uniform

October 1943

I reported to Comrade Molotov, that to this day I his duties as President of the Council combined with the execution of duties as Chief of the NKGB and that I have instructed Comrade. Merkulova ask whether to release me from work in NKGB or combine? Comrade Molotov replied to this: "Now I can not tell you, we still think about it. If your official position in NKGB not published in newspapers and not attached to the official publicity, I think it is possible to combine, but will solve it later. "

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